2020.07.19 关于投资报道的分享



昨天继续看CoStar 的online conference录像视频,请来他们SEO analyst 来讲新冠之后租客的search behavior 特点。要点如下:

  1. Daily search visit increased to 2M/day,72 unique visits in May
  2. rent collection is solid
  3. avg saving rate is 30% much improved over single digit saving rate before
  4. 40% renters like to move in next 6 months
  5. 38% of search are out of State search
  6. Virtual/3D tour more acceptable,>50% can make renting decision based on online inquiry
  7. For owners, uploading 30-39 photos are sweet spot
  8. renter review can boost decision making
  9. Apt provided amenities most search are W/D inside,AC,pool,and Pet friendlyness of the apt