2020.10.27关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS


2020.10.27关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.10.27关于投资报道的分享 北美地产学堂
  1. Aug Case Shiller national home index rose 5.7% YOY,best 3 cities are Phenoix 9.9% Seattle 8.5% San Diego 7.5%,lowest are Chicago NYC and SF
  2. Fed Reserve Bank of Philadelphia estimated outstanding rent debt at $7.2B accumulated by end of 2020,Moody Analytic number is 10X that,No matter which is more accurate,could be ticking time bomb
  3. US Consumer confidence level drop slightly in Oct,but durable good order was up in Sept
  4. NY Post story of 大机构房东不理会CDC逼迁禁令,全国范围内已经在各城市法庭filed 近万件逼迁案子
  5. 麦卡锡在欧洲五国做调查,结果触目惊心[Facepalm]如果收入维持目前水平,那么55%在明年九月前申请产保护,10%撑不过六个月
  6. 三藩创业公司Reddit 老大说员工可以选择回公司或者WFH,选择离开SF的公司不会通过降薪来省? ,而公司会调整办公室面积需求,会不会成为其他公司的榜样[Shocked]
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