2020.10.29关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.10.29关于投资报道的分享 北美地产学堂
- Big realtor Realogy reports blow out Q earning,but saw the trends for Urban flight/WFH/mirgation from dense and high tax States continue
- CBRE moves its HQ from LA to DFW
- WSJ estimates the tax revenue shortfall from States will be hundreds of Billions上千亿美元,with a capital B,higher tax is for sure coming in future
- Per SJ Mercury News,core cities SJ/SF could have 3-4X higher than normal migration,20% of residents who surveyed said they are or plan to move. UpWork survey of 20000 people in US showing 50% are willing to move two hours drive away,7-11% willing to move out of state,and Redfin result showing 62% jump in out of State search vs 2019
- 三藩市的地标TransAmerica Tower,降了五千万以六亿五千万卖出,CBRE reports Class A office in SF their avg rent drop 8%
- weak earning reports by large Apt REITs with large exposure to Urban core markets such as Avalon Bay Equity Residential just reflection of urban flight
- Cloud based sw provider ServiceNow CEO said many tech firms are Planning to have employees WFH in entire 2021
- Link to multiple metros multifam 2H 2020 reports by Marcus Millichap
- CBRE Report retail posted negative absorption of 14.8M sf space in 3Q,第三季度零售店面积负吸收率,largest decline Since 2009. Construction in this sector is down 44%。
But overall deliquency rate for CMBS loans are down to 8.9% in Sept per Trepp - 老牌赌王Adeleson 计划壮士断臂为金沙集团LV拉斯维加斯业务找接盘侠,将精力集中转移到效益更好的亚洲业务