2020.07.30 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.07.30 关于投资报道的分享 三马3ma
- 因为新冠疫情冲击经济仍然疲软,联储局将近零的利息维持现状
- NAR National Realtor Assoc. 数据pending home June sales spiked up 16.6% from May,forcast 调整是existing home sales drop by 3% and new home sales up 3% for 2020
- Yardi Matrix Director of Research 认为现在就宣布 it marks the end of multi-decades urbanization 还为时尚早
- MBA mortgage banker assoc. report commercial/multifam debt increased by $61B for 1Q 2020,nearly half belong to multifam. Numbers expected to soften in 2Q and 3Q due to pandemic
- Lake Tahoe house inventory drops to 10-20% of normal level,due to many buyers out of bayarea,making all cash multiple offers for homes there