2020.07.29 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.07.29 关于投资报道的分享 三马3ma
- multifam investor sentiment improve due to better than expected rent collection and return of transaction volume
- Cushman Wakefield found Class B multifam outperform Class A (soften rent)and Class C (rent collection)
- Case Shiller national home price index went up 4.5% in May,leaders are Phoenix,Seattle,Tampa. Laggards are Chicago,NY and SF
- NY Manhattan June rent drop another 4.7%,vacancy up to 3.67% 14 years high,people starts to wonder whether strict RC rules still necessary
- Fed lending program to small and mid size businesses will last til end of 2020,make sure liquidity for corp. operation is an non-issue