20200803 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS


20200803 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 20200803 关于投资报道的分享 三马3ma
  1. IPA survey indicated multifam investor sentiment grows,完全不考虑买进新物业的从三月份40%降到七月17%
  2. NHMC continues to push for $1000亿美元的rental relieve package in second round of stimulated bill. It is in Dems. version now but not yet in Republican version nor the final version,keep fingers crossed
  3. Dunkin trimming fat,计划会关800家门店
  4. 第二波疫情来袭餐馆业雪上加霜,大浪淘沙,Yelp report 七月全国26160家关门的餐馆,其中60% 15770家会永久关闭
  5. Rating agency reports CMBS deliquencies appear to level off and stabilized
  6. retail rent in NYC 纽约市繁华地区的商业铺位租金断崖式下跌,rent price in free fall to 2011 level,a 11.3% tanking
  7. 大开发商Promethens 继续在湾区阳谷布局,$75M 买下公寓楼及retail center
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