2020.07.18 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS


2020.07.18 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.07.18 关于投资报道的分享 三马3ma
  1. Retail sales increased 7.5% in June,但这个是报复性反弹还是有可持续性的?
  2. Apt. demand soften in 2Q 2020,高密大城市net move out 严重,前三名是纽约,洛杉矶,三藩市
  3. JLL predicted that those with long lease,stable medical offices will be more attractive to investors due to Pandemic
  4. 曼哈顿办公楼市场夏季遇寒潮,租金下滑空置率上升到11.9%
  5. Lending Tree Chief Economist expected the rate will continue to trend lower,dropping another 30bps in next 3-4 months
  6. Moody data showing CMBS 商业贷款违约率会攀升到10.1% by July and 14.3% by Aug. Hotels and retails are 24% and 18%,rest of sectors are in low single digit,lowest is Industrial sector
  7. Corelogic data showing 30/60days past due for homeowners increased to 6.1% in June,21 years high. Expect to see uptrend to continue for next 12-18 months. 山雨欲来风满楼?我个人觉得就算这样情况下,住宅市场也许有调整但大几率不会重演2009年那样的腰斩,这次同次贷不同saving grace就是供需缺口实在太大,pent up demands and low inventory
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