2020.07.16 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS


2020.07.16 关于投资报道的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.07.16 关于投资报道的分享 三马3ma
今早听了两个讲座,第一个是Walker Dunlop 老大采访前Vornado 老大Mike Fascitell. 希望能站在巨人肩膀上,能看得远点。
  1. they got into malls on early 2000s,got out 2014,seeing oversupply of malls in channels,great timing
  2. he thinks WFH model might not last forever,now too soon to judge. Office might get discounted and present an opportunity as result in near future.
  3. rate will stay low for a long time,if cost of financing money is < investment cash flow,then compounding this is recipe for building wealth
  4. RE is good hedge against inflation in future
  5. was very good decision to be early investor of Imitiation homes (big SFH 投资机构),work out real well
  6. 2009 crash vs 2020 crash is different in more cash flow pressure on this time,similarity is that response always follow big drop in transaction volume,price adjustment will come later
  7. current equity market led by narrow 10-15 high tech compaines driving market action,but many smaller firms on main street are suffering and not yet 40% back to norm. Once govt QE stop,might see another wave of pain down the line,watch out for that.
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