2020.12.01 投资报道分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS


2020.12.01 投资报道分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.12.01 投资报道分享 北美地产学堂
  1. 华尔街日报说拜登政府经济团队里黑石帮影响力正在取代川叔团队里面的高盛帮,目前出来个别人选之外大部分花街能认可接受
  2. Per NYC hotel owners,25000 hotels/20% of total,May NEVER reopen after Pandemic
    StreetEasy data showing available office space in Manhattan is the highest level since 2003[Facepalm]
  3. Duff and Phelps bankcruptc tracker showing 228 large corps going down,most Since 2009,but distressed bonds value of $200B is managable. Vaccine wont halt the decays for hotel/travel/retails
  4. Self storage rent continue to rebound in Oct by 2.7% YOY,best Since Nove 2017
  5. JLL survey showing ¼ employees prefer to return to work full time,2/4 prefer sort of hybrid model,and remaining ¼ love WFH permanently
  6. 国会两党部分参议员floating 一个近一万亿的纾困计划proposal,里面包括2500亿租金援助rental assistance,当然比起业界期待的一千亿少很多,不过也聊胜于无。不过这个提案没能得到大佬们背书,通过的机会不大,两党在利用纾困金玩政治游戏,比较失望[Facepalm]
  7. 诺贝尔奖得主席勒教授一直喜欢唱空股市Equity market,但现在也改了调调,说超低利息May justify higher equity price and CAPE ratio (cyclically adjusted price earning ratio)[Chuckle][ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp]
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