根据《Rent Strike 2020》的信息,至少有150万租房者签署了扣缴租金的承诺,在美国所有50个州以及华盛顿特区和美国的四个地区进行了努力。诸如5 Demands之类的组织工具已经出现,它是一种在线工作,通过将租房者与全国主要城市的工作联系起来,使 “罢工信息” 变得“ 可访问和授权”。
虽然房东们正在与租户合作推迟租金支付,但有的租户正在利用这一机会在多个租赁物业中组织更大的联盟。4月1日上午,一群32名租户在芝加哥举行Rent Strike,倡导者呼吁冻结租金。在洛杉矶,激进分子发起抗议活动,呼吁城市取消租金。
一些拥护者和官员正在采取进一步措施:加州住房领导者联盟将给州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)30天的时间,发布租金和抵押免除计划,否则将在5月1日面临全州范围内的协调性租金罢工。
Raghuveer说,现在很清楚,危机的时间表将是数月而不是数周,而且可能还会有数以百万计的美国人受到影响,租金罢工正在全国范围内打开。Homes Guarantee在4月2日组织了一次租户培训课程,讨论在未来几个月内开展更大范围的基层工作,能够进行大规模组织 “租金罢工 ”。
随后,San Jose City Counsel于4月7日下午1:30召开virtual meeting,讨论诸多事项,其中一个让人大跌眼镜的就是,Rent Suspension!听上去不可思议吧,就算是房客愿意/已经交了房租,也让房东吐出来。
San Jose的这个动议如果通过,恐怕湾区或者全加州都会跟进。
请在2020年4月7日中午12:00之前,将comments发往如下邮件地址:[email protected]
California Apartment Association提供的sample email如下:
Dear Mayor Liccardo and City Council Members, I am a property owner in San Jose who has worked hard to car for my buidling and the residents who call my building home. Like my residents, I worry about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on our community. As a housing provider, I want to keep my tenants housed while continuing to pay my vendor and employees.
However, the proposal authored by Councilmembers Carrasco and Parelez places me in financial peril and essentially stops me from working with my tenants to develop a plan through which we can all come out of this crisis with our homes and teh ability to pay our bills.I am working with every tenant impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. While deferring rent may be necessary temporarily, being forced to forgive rent would leave me unable to pay the mortgage, my employees in our rental community or the vendors who service the units. The domino effect of this proposal is catastrophic.
As an owner of rental units, I can seek SBA ssistance or mortgage forbearance, however, these requests take time to materialize, as I am not the only one trying to get help and there is no guarantee I will get approved for this assistance.
I ask the City Council to focus on real solutions to this crisis, such as financial assistance to tenants to help them pay rent or to landlords who are deferring rent.
Dear Mayor and City council members,
Being a small property owners, we are strongly against the proposal for 3 month rents forgiven program for SJ, reasons are below:
1、现在全国都在集中精力跟Corona Virus 斗,我们BAHN跟其他四个组织忙着分配募捐回来的几万只口罩,市议会却在趁火打劫,出台一些损害地主利益的政策。疫情当下,无论是地主还是租户都应该同舟共济,共度难关。
2、我们查过,地税、保险、utility、维修费用都没有延付,房贷是有forbearance program 也仅是可以延期三个月并不是全免,三个月之后贷款还是需要还的,lenders/banks 才是物业的真正主人。
3、你们都是被老百姓选出来的,应该做榜样的力量,所以我建议SJ 市全部市议员及住房部门的高管们,先把自己的三个月工资捐出来给租客,然后才期待普通老百姓做同样的事,领袖和领导们应该先以身做责。
也许在加州之后,各蓝州也会出台同样的Rent Suspension 政策。冠状病毒危机不应该成为房客不付房租的借口,那些有能力支付的人需要支付房租。
根据《Rent Strike 2020》的信息,至少有150万租房者签署了扣缴租金的承诺,在美国所有50个州以及华盛顿特区和美国的四个地区进行了努力。诸如5 Demands之类的组织工具已经出现,它是一种在线工作,通过将租房者与全国主要城市的工作联系起来,使 “罢工信息” 变得“ 可访问和授权”。
虽然房东们正在与租户合作推迟租金支付,但有的租户正在利用这一机会在多个租赁物业中组织更大的联盟。4月1日上午,一群32名租户在芝加哥举行Rent Strike,倡导者呼吁冻结租金。在洛杉矶,激进分子发起抗议活动,呼吁城市取消租金。
一些拥护者和官员正在采取进一步措施:加州住房领导者联盟将给州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)30天的时间,发布租金和抵押免除计划,否则将在5月1日面临全州范围内的协调性租金罢工。
Raghuveer说,现在很清楚,危机的时间表将是数月而不是数周,而且可能还会有数以百万计的美国人受到影响,租金罢工正在全国范围内打开。Homes Guarantee在4月2日组织了一次租户培训课程,讨论在未来几个月内开展更大范围的基层工作,能够进行大规模组织 “租金罢工 ”。
随后,San Jose City Counsel于4月7日下午1:30召开virtual meeting,讨论诸多事项,其中一个让人大跌眼镜的就是,Rent Suspension!听上去不可思议吧,就算是房客愿意/已经交了房租,也让房东吐出来。
San Jose的这个动议如果通过,恐怕湾区或者全加州都会跟进。
请在2020年4月7日中午12:00之前,将comments发往如下邮件地址:[email protected]
California Apartment Association提供的sample email如下:
Dear Mayor Liccardo and City Council Members, I am a property owner in San Jose who has worked hard to car for my buidling and the residents who call my building home. Like my residents, I worry about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on our community. As a housing provider, I want to keep my tenants housed while continuing to pay my vendor and employees.
However, the proposal authored by Councilmembers Carrasco and Parelez places me in financial peril and essentially stops me from working with my tenants to develop a plan through which we can all come out of this crisis with our homes and teh ability to pay our bills.I am working with every tenant impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. While deferring rent may be necessary temporarily, being forced to forgive rent would leave me unable to pay the mortgage, my employees in our rental community or the vendors who service the units. The domino effect of this proposal is catastrophic.
As an owner of rental units, I can seek SBA ssistance or mortgage forbearance, however, these requests take time to materialize, as I am not the only one trying to get help and there is no guarantee I will get approved for this assistance.
I ask the City Council to focus on real solutions to this crisis, such as financial assistance to tenants to help them pay rent or to landlords who are deferring rent.
Dear Mayor and City council members,
Being a small property owners, we are strongly against the proposal for 3 month rents forgiven program for SJ, reasons are below:
- While we (BAHN alongside 4 other non-profit organizations) are busy raising funds and ordering face masks, face shields and surgical gloves (we collected in excess $60k in fund and imported tens of thousands of face masks for distribution to bayarea healthcare workers, see photos attached), SJ City council is busy plotting how to rub the property owners dry, this is so shameful to take advantage of this Corona virus crisis situation to come up with such unfair proposal! What is the spirit of We are ALL in this together?
- Last time we check, there is no delay in property tax, insurance, utility bills, repairs upkeep expenses, and as far as mortgages, per lenders/banks which are the real owners of the properties, the forbearance program is only for 3 months extension, but NOT loan forgiven.
- You guys are the leaders of the city, so let us lead by examples. How about starting with donating 3 months of salary from all city council members and housing department senior staffs, before expecting ordinary residents and property owners to follow your lead?
1、现在全国都在集中精力跟Corona Virus 斗,我们BAHN跟其他四个组织忙着分配募捐回来的几万只口罩,市议会却在趁火打劫,出台一些损害地主利益的政策。疫情当下,无论是地主还是租户都应该同舟共济,共度难关。
2、我们查过,地税、保险、utility、维修费用都没有延付,房贷是有forbearance program 也仅是可以延期三个月并不是全免,三个月之后贷款还是需要还的,lenders/banks 才是物业的真正主人。
3、你们都是被老百姓选出来的,应该做榜样的力量,所以我建议SJ 市全部市议员及住房部门的高管们,先把自己的三个月工资捐出来给租客,然后才期待普通老百姓做同样的事,领袖和领导们应该先以身做责。
也许在加州之后,各蓝州也会出台同样的Rent Suspension 政策。冠状病毒危机不应该成为房客不付房租的借口,那些有能力支付的人需要支付房租。