2020.07.15 关于讲座的分享



今早第二个讲座是Yardi Matrix 学生公寓讲座,重点分享如下:

  1. 2020 fall pre leasing is only tracking 3% lower than 2019,not too shabby
  2. Universities are struggle financially
  3. overall student population will stay flat until 2050
  4. tuition cost spiked up 33% Since 2010, 5X CPI
  5. off campus housing is not much cheaper,but better quality than some old dorms
  6. farther away,shadow inventory competing with core and dedicated student housing,64% market share
  7. shake up by the pandemic,State Govt fiscal impact greater,South and west and midwest fair better,West except CA
  8. International student enrollment will trend down,and students prefer to attend U closer to home
  9. Students ask for refund,State budget cut,college expenses increase,so weaker U tough to survive and top and stronger ones will benefit as consolidation. So check on U financial health and enrollment before deciding on where to invest
  10. Fall 2020 62% U still plan in-person,25% hybrid
  11. Reduced dorm capacity due to less students in each unit,meaning need for off campus units increased
  12. Student housing is recession proof,not Pandemic proof,but has resistance to pandemic,due to students overwhelming desire to return to on-campus life and experiences
  13. Not expecting to see massive distressed sales,selective opportunities might present by end of year
  14. Class C off campus have the most distressed opportunity
  15. Cap rate will hold steady due to risk premium drops as interest rate fall to zero
  16. This pandemic could be 1 year hit,longer term future bright and guarded optimistics