- 纽约市现有13000空置单位创新高,去年同比租金下滑10%左右,提供约1.7月免租incentive
- American Legislative Exchange Council 选择纽约州是经济展望倒数第一州,另外倒数前几名包括VT,NJ,IL and CA. Top 5 states for economy outlook are UT,WY,ID,IN and NC
- S&P Global tracking 今年破产企业是2010年以来最多
- 不要担忧S8 项目run out of funding. HUD announced fresh $472M funding to help low income tenants ie S8 vouchers
- Senior housing occupancy continues to drop,to 84.9% level. But eyeing turn around maybe after 2021 due to long term pent up demand
- 说是为了规避新冠放贷风险,可能也是为了做上市手里多一些流动资金准备,两房Fannie Freddic will add 0.5% pt to cost of refi loans
- 投资大鳄索罗斯认为现在股市陷入联储局制造的流动性泛滥泡沫之中不能自拔,投资者需要小心谨慎