- NMHC reports 全国公寓楼七月 rent collection is at 93.3%. 1st week of Aug at 79%,still healthy. Partial payment not wide spread
- zillow CEO thinks the RE market reshuffling 重新洗牌开始了,大浪淘沙适者生存
- Cushman Wakefield CEO predicted 10-11% of workforce will WFH permanently,but most still will return to offices. But also forcasts office vacancy raises to 15-18% and rent drops by 5-15% within next 24-30 months
- Recovery time prediction by senior economy advisor to CBRE:
multifam/industrial 1 year
offices 2years
hotels/retails ~ 3 years - 贷款专家预测未来房贷利率还有下调空间,因为三十年房贷利息vs 十年国债之间的息差 yield spread 非常大,现在是2.33%历史上大约是1.5%,所以30年贷款可能会降到2%左右
- 有两百多个malls 房东Simon Property 计划将部分anchor stores 给亚马逊做fulfillment centers,地点无可挑剔都是黄金地带,但是industrial 租金<<retail mall租金,当然也比空置强
- High tech offices 这些年转open flooring design,现在疫情之后可能回归传统设计/个人空间加大
- Morgan Stanley 大摩预测亚洲办公楼面积会萎缩3-9%, 租金下调10-15%
- Pandemic could spark more conversion from hotels/retails/office to affordable housing type projects
- Freddie Mac second half outlook predicted gross rental income will drop by 3.3-4.2% by end of 2020
- Costar group data showing transaction volume drops to 2009 level
- RCA estimates there are about $90B of properties in various stages of distressed now. But more are expected to come to market in future
- 第二波纾困计划里有1000亿 美元rent relieve package promoted by RE organizations,在民主党的三万亿计划里,但不在共和党的一万亿纾困金计划里,机构在担忧如果这笔rent relieve/assistance 纾困金不能通过,could trigger a danger domino effect