今天听了一个讲座,是Marcus Millichap 德州办公室组织的,嘉宾是年轻老美大牛 Presidium John Griggs,才短短十几年非常成功,从开始时的两个4Plex 到现在控制>15000单位,也许我们凡人几辈子都达不到的高度。一些地方值得我们借鉴参考。RealPage 首席经济学家and Costar 也有参加:
今天听了一个讲座,是Marcus Millichap 德州办公室组织的,嘉宾是年轻老美大牛 Presidium John Griggs,才短短十几年非常成功,从开始时的两个4Plex 到现在控制>15000单位,也许我们凡人几辈子都达不到的高度。一些地方值得我们借鉴参考。RealPage 首席经济学家and Costar 也有参加:
- 2000 密西根法学院毕业去南加然后来湾区,不喜欢一直做attorney,希望开发一个被动收入渠道觉得TF不错选择
- 去亚利桑那州花$100k买了
两栋4plex,2005之后 五倍盈利卖出,第一桶金$$ - 加上家庭及朋友的一些钱,2005去达拉斯买了100单位,银行贷款75%,价格3.5米,新冠前卖出
- 2005之后进入快速扩张渠道,主要是同PE funds and Family offices合作,现在控制超过15000单位资产价值上Billion, 主要是德州及南部州。目标是每年加五千单位进portfolio,return on capital within 18 months
- 开始时C class value-added,2012-2016 buying spree on mostly value-add 超过一万单位. Then own development team after 2016
- advises:
A.during recession period,focus on opetational efficiency improvement
B. started renovation from Day1,make sure have enough capitals for renovation going in a deal
C. Keep 1-2 months reserve
D. be expert in a specific area,first 1-2 metros then branch out,still prefer States in Southern region - TX has a lot of tail wind,dont see rent control anytime soon.
- start to see rent concession but small vs East and West coast cities
- dont expect to see apt price drop a lot,actually there is a chance for Cap compression due to widen spread and lack of product which can provide healthy yield
- SFH vs Multifam now SFH has some slight advantages but Overall wont matter too much as housing supply << demands