





昨天特斯拉猛涨的时候,自然预测未来是涨是跌的新闻就会多起来,比如其中一条是关于一位44岁的富豪投资人Chamath Palihapitiya 的意见,CMBC的主持人有着跟我一样的疑问,特斯拉一年涨了7倍,马斯克全球最富,你还持有特斯拉股票吗,现在开始卖了吗?他的整段发言大家都应该看一下, 挺有意思:

Yes it’s really credible. Actually he is somebody I have known for a really long time, I’ve looked up to him for a long time. And here is what I have to say that:


He built the great car company and somewhere along the way — you know about five or six years ago — what I thought he was building was an energy company and that eventually, people would realize that climate change actually mattered. And it’s taken five or six years for everybody to realize the same thing and he’s being rewarded. The world’s richest person should be somebody that’s fixing and fighting climate change. I think the reality is that Tesla’s a distributed energy business. They are figuring out how to harness energy, how to store it, and how to use it in a way to allow humans to be productive. Cars are a manifestation, but solar panels are as well. Powerwalls are as well.


I am telling you right now: the big disruption that’s coming is to power utilities. There are trillions of dollars, of bonds, of capex, of value sitting inside the energy-generation infrastructure of the world, and that’s going to go upside down. And when that goes pear-shaped, Tesla will double and triple again.


I tweeted this a while ago that I thought the world’s first trillionaire would be a person fighting climate change, It very well could be Elon. But if it’s not him, it’ll be somebody like him. It will be because of this: Delivering clean energy, allowing the world to be sustainable, is an incredibly important thing that will be rewarded by markets and individuals.


I don’t understand why people are so focused on selling things that work,", let’s just you know, let’s make a number, say I own a billion dollars’ Tesla stock, if I sold it, now I have a billion dollar problem, what would I do with that money, what if it’s a hundred million, what if it’s just ten thousand, it doesn’t matter what the number is. The point is that when things are working, you’re paid to stay with people that know what they’re doing. And this is a guy who has consistently been one of the most important entrepreneurs in the world. And so why bet against him, It’s the same thing with Bezos, why bet against him. You get behind these people who have incredibly strong character, who know what they are doing, who aren’t gonna bend to short-term profit, and would just drive the trend for the next ten or twenty years to make the world a better place, get behind them. You know the best way to summarize: when the music sang, you got to dance and these guys are dancing, they are in rhythm, they are in flow, let them do their thing, you get behind them, don’t sell a share. let them create value.


我强烈建议大家都听听这哥们讲这段话,写下来翻译过来激情澎湃直降90%。我想持有特斯拉这样的股票就是要极具信念吧,能拿得住,回调还能再买,股票如此,房产亦如此,如果房产投资是你心之所往,认为是最稳妥也最擅长的事业,那么就不要总想着房市要泡沫了,租客要维约了,要抱着遇到问题解决问题的心态,方法总比问题多,不管股市还是房市 ,长期价值投资才是真正的王道;而且你也问自己同样的问题:股票卖了之后买什么呢,房产卖了之后再买什么 呢?再买的股票是更有潜力的成长股呢还是只是热门妖风股呢?再买的房产是不是都是人家利益收尽的呢?回到我们小家的问题,领导最近正在把Roth IRA转向self-directed IRA(毕竟特斯拉让我们赚的钱终于能够着个别房了),IRA或者股票帐户就是用来park money的,能放在特斯拉这里大赚一笔未尝不可,放在美股大盘小赚一笔也可以抵抗通胀,但是当我们最擅长的房产机会出现的时候,我们就可以套利离场转向我们更擅长的事业了。