2020.06.28 关于线上会议的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.06.28 关于线上会议的分享 三马3ma
下午听了Neal Bawa 组织的TownHall Zoom meeting,干货满满,summary 如下:
now it is fake economy until Govt supports expired Neal is bullish on vaccine but bearish on jobs coming back,he thinks...
2020.07.01 关于讲座的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.07.01 关于讲座的分享 三马3ma
今早听了一个采访Walker Dunlop NY 老大的讲座,重点如下:
liquidity to multifam and industrial especially new builts are still plentyful,with agency loans and insurance companies office underwriting is very...
2020.07.07 关于讲座的分享 - 北美地产学堂 BBS 2020.07.07 关于讲座的分享 三马3ma
今早听了一个Cushman Wakefield Podcast about the Future of Workplace,一些重点分享一下:
survey has >50000 responders and 1.7M datapoints,pretty big scale survey,data insightful survey found team...
!Alert! 因疫苗利好导致市场利率大涨 - 北美地产学堂 BBS !Alert! 因疫苗利好导致市场利率大涨 David
Pfizer says it could have a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the month where trials have been 90% effective. Dow futures soar by 1500 points! Global equity markets surge.
Mortgage Bonds...